"HWBG is a yearly retreat so life changing for all who attend"V.S,
"Thank you for bringing that life changing event to Wyoming. To see my friend completely open up to Jesus and truly start her healing process was amazing!!!!"
"Thank you for bringing that life changing event to Wyoming. To see my friend completely open up to Jesus and truly start her healing process was amazing!!!!"

JULY 6, 7, 8 & 9
JULY 6, 7, 8 & 9
My name is Suprenna. I live in a small rural town in southeastern Kansas. In July 2022, I was the grateful receiver of your Cooper James Costa Memorial Scholarship to attend the Wyoming retreat. That trip was such a surprising pivot point for me in numerous ways. One, I FINALLY felt closer to God than ever before - very many blessings at the Triangle C Ranch! My rededication river baptism washed away a lot of pain, sorrow, insecurity, & gray cloud that I lived under. Two, I was able to breathe - let go & let God - in my favorite habitat, the mountains & evergreens. Three, the Christian ladies at the retreat surprised the heck out of me, especially the ones from California. LOL. It's funny how we form preconceived ideas about others. Those California women were the nicest people! I hope I get to see them again.
There are just too many great things that happened on that retreat to list them all. Two of the best things were being baptized for rededication & Dave helping me to lope a horse again. Although I haven't really ridden since then, I did take the rededication seriously & have really tried to live like Jesus did/does.
This retreat is truly an all-encompassing retreat. It's a renewal for my heart, mind, & soul!
Thank you. Suprenna Stanley
My name is Suprenna. I live in a small rural town in southeastern Kansas. In July 2022, I was the grateful receiver of your Cooper James Costa Memorial Scholarship to attend the Wyoming retreat. That trip was such a surprising pivot point for me in numerous ways. One, I FINALLY felt closer to God than ever before - very many blessings at the Triangle C Ranch! My rededication river baptism washed away a lot of pain, sorrow, insecurity, & gray cloud that I lived under. Two, I was able to breathe - let go & let God - in my favorite habitat, the mountains & evergreens. Three, the Christian ladies at the retreat surprised the heck out of me, especially the ones from California. LOL. It's funny how we form preconceived ideas about others. Those California women were the nicest people! I hope I get to see them again.
There are just too many great things that happened on that retreat to list them all. Two of the best things were being baptized for rededication & Dave helping me to lope a horse again. Although I haven't really ridden since then, I did take the rededication seriously & have really tried to live like Jesus did/does.
This retreat is truly an all-encompassing retreat. It's a renewal for my heart, mind, & soul!
Thank you. Suprenna Stanley
WELCOME and thank you for your interest in Horsewomen by Grace. Designed for women 21 years and older, the purpose of the retreat is for the attendees to RIDE,
Any woman who loves the Lord and horses, and desires to be with women of like minds.
Any woman who loves the Lord and horses, and desires to be with women of like minds.
NO!!! Although several ladies do bring their own horses to the V6 retreat, we have women who attend the retreat that don't ride, but want to be with other women who love the Lord. Our spring retreat at the Triangle C is all inclusive, meaning all attendees are supplied with a horse, if they want to ride. Both the V6 & Triangle C have horses that are suitable for even beginning or timid riders.
NO!!! Although several ladies do bring their own horses to the V6 retreat, we have women who attend the retreat that don't ride, but want to be with other women who love the Lord. Our spring retreat at the Triangle C is all inclusive, meaning all attendees are supplied with a horse, if they want to ride. Both the V6 & Triangle C have horses that are suitable for even beginning or timid riders.
The spring retreat will be held at the Triangle C, in Dubois, WY. The Triangle C Ranch is in the heart of the scenic Wind River Valley in Wyoming, just an
hour drive from the Jackson Hole, WY airport and approximately 45 minutes from the Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. They have unlimited access to the Shoshone National Forest for horseback trail rides, hiking, fly fishing, overnight pack trips, mountain biking, and UTV excursions.
Our fall retreat is held at the V6 Ranch, in Parkfield, CA. The V6 is a real working cattle ranch, nestled in the Cholame Valley. It envelops 20,000 acres of the most diverse and alluring country in the heart of central California. Located an equal distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco, just a four hour drive from either city, the V6 Ranch offers the delight of bygone days in a world where fast is the average speed.
The spring retreat will be held at the Triangle C, in Dubois, WY. The Triangle C Ranch is in the heart of the scenic Wind River Valley in Wyoming, just an
hour drive from the Jackson Hole, WY airport and approximately 45 minutes from the Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. They have unlimited access to the Shoshone National Forest for horseback trail rides, hiking, fly fishing, overnight pack trips, mountain biking, and UTV excursions.
Our fall retreat is held at the V6 Ranch, in Parkfield, CA. The V6 is a real working cattle ranch, nestled in the Cholame Valley. It envelops 20,000 acres of the most diverse and alluring country in the heart of central California. Located an equal distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco, just a four hour drive from either city, the V6 Ranch offers the delight of bygone days in a world where fast is the average speed.
After an afternoon of riding and discussing God and His Word, a friend of mine mentioned that she wished there was a retreat where she could spend the weekend with other Christian women, ride her horse, and study God's Word. I told her there had to be something like that out there...a Christian horsewomen's retreat, so I set out to find it. I looked on and off for almost 2 years for that retreat, but there was nothing out there. Then one day God said "You do it". Which at that point I did my best Moses imitation and said "WHO ME????" (Now I know the bible SAYS Moses said to God "Who am I to appear before Pharaoh " Gen 3:11, but I really think he said " WHO ME???"). I tried to explain to God that I didn't know anything about putting something like this together, and that there must be something already out there. So I continued to search for almost another year.
Well God was patient, and during that year, He started putting different things and people in my life's path that I would need to do what He was calling me to do.
In April 2013, I finally conceded to His will and through His patient leading, the development of "Horsewomen by Grace" began. I've never had a moments regret.
I've met some amazing people on this journey and continue to be in awe of God's faithfulness, grace and power.
This is something I could have never done on my own.
I wasn't sure if this was going to be a one time thing, but God, in His way, let me know there would be more. In fact, I am beginning to believe that Horsewomen by Grace retreats may someday be occurring in other states. I am currently in the process of applying for a 501(c)(3) status.
This is a short version of how this all came to be and maybe someday we can sit down and I can share how God guided me though this journey. Just know this is for His glory.
If you think God may be leading you to attend our retreat or maybe host a Horsewomen by Grace retreat in your area, give me a call. Who knows what God may do!
Well God was patient, and during that year, He started putting different things and people in my life's path that I would need to do what He was calling me to do.
In April 2013, I finally conceded to His will and through His patient leading, the development of "Horsewomen by Grace" began. I've never had a moments regret.
I've met some amazing people on this journey and continue to be in awe of God's faithfulness, grace and power.
This is something I could have never done on my own.
I wasn't sure if this was going to be a one time thing, but God, in His way, let me know there would be more. In fact, I am beginning to believe that Horsewomen by Grace retreats may someday be occurring in other states. I am currently in the process of applying for a 501(c)(3) status.
This is a short version of how this all came to be and maybe someday we can sit down and I can share how God guided me though this journey. Just know this is for His glory.
If you think God may be leading you to attend our retreat or maybe host a Horsewomen by Grace retreat in your area, give me a call. Who knows what God may do!

God Bless,
Kriss Costa
Kriss Costa